Inspiration vs. Obligation
I watched a video recently that was talking about the significance of this current reset. Amidst all that’s going on with the current virus madness, it’s undeniable that incredibly amazing and also terrifying things are happening.
As scary as it is (and believe me, like many, many others, I had to resort to filing for unemployment and am flexing my trust muscle like never before), this time is perfect for restructuring how we invest our time, how we nurture our bodies, how we connect with others and how we work.
The core of the message that resonated with me in the video I mentioned, was that this is also a perfect time to shift from working out of inspiration vs. obligation. Though I do realize most will have to return to the work scenario that was there pre-virus madness, nothing is stopping us to at least make the shift in our imagination. At a time when the world is in a constant state of fear, choosing to dream and live with pleasure and joy can be almost rebellious, but I’d rather be that rebel, any day.
With that said, not knowing yet what work will look like post lockdown, I started where I could: imagining what it would feel like.
Working from a place of inspiration instead of obligation, for me
feels like fun and play, I could do it all day (though I do need to see the sun at times and let my dog out),
involves all sorts of creative projects,
collaborating with other makers and creatives,
and getting to play and experience beautiful and meaningful objects,
giving me the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world, should I choose to, while traveling or seeing my family.
That’s not too much to ask, right Universe?
What would working from inspiration rather than obligation look and feel like for you? Share in the comments below if you so feel inclined to.
There are no rules. In this and in life. Make your own, as you go. That’s what my plan is.